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Using the store in your game

Store items are downloaded upon SignIn() and SignUp(). The items will be refreshed every time the user signs in or signs up again.

To access store items and attributes call the following code. This code does not sync them with the available items on the server: it simply shows you the results downloaded on sign-in or sign-up.


for (const storeItem of GameFuse.getStoreItems())
    console.log(storeItem.getName());  // FireBow
    console.log(storeItem.getCategory()); // BowAndArrows
    console.log(storeItem.getId()); //12
    console.log(storeItem.getDescription());  // A bow and arrow item that shoots fire arrows
    console.log(storeItem.getCost()); // 500 (credits)
    console.log(storeItem.getIconUrl()); // (url of image associated with the store item)

To access purchased store items by your current logged in user, call the following code. Because these items are downloaded on login, there is no callback for this: data is already available. This code will throw an error if you are not signed in already.

const items = GameFuseUser.CurrentUser.getPurchasedStoreItems();

To purchase a store item simply call the code below. Because this function talks to the server, it will require a callback. If the user does not have enough credits on their account (see next section), the purchase will fail. This function will refresh the GameFuseUser.CurrentUser.purchasedStoreItems list with the new item.


    let self = this;
    console.log(GameFuseUser.CurrentUser.getPurchasedStoreItems().length); // Prints 0
    GameFuseUser.PurchaseStoreItem(GameFuse.GetStoreItems().First, function(message,hasError){self.PurchasedItemCallback(message,hasError)})

PurchasedItemCallback(message, hasError)
    if (hasError)
        console.log("Error purchasing item: "+message);
        console.log("Purchased Item");
        console.log(GameFuseUser.CurrentUser.getPurchasedStoreItems().length); // Prints 1

Function return values


HTTP status code Description
200 OK
403 Not enough credits or item already purchased
404 Item not found
500 Unknown server error