Use the GameFuse Client Library in your game engine of choice to easily add authentication, user data, leaderboards, in game stores and more, all without writing and hosting any servers, or writing any API code. Its never been easier to sync your user data online. GameFuse is always free for hobby and small indie projects.

GameFuse C#
Add GameFuse to your Unity Project

GameFuse Blueprints
Add GameFuse to your Unreal BluePrints Project.

GameFuse C++
Add GameFuse to your Unreal C++ Project.

GameFuse Javascript
Add GameFuse to your Playcanvas, Phaser, PixiJs, ImpactJS, Babylon.js or other js frameworks.

GameFuse API
Build your own client library and directly access the GameFuse API
Make calls to GameFuse from 3rd party services using GameFuse Server Keys. Authenticate servers and services rather than signed in users.
Server KeysAutomate data events using GameFuse Cloud Code. Add event triggers, queries and actions to control and modify your data.
Cloud Code