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Friends System


These Docs are WIP and will be updated with Visual Blueprint Examples. Please see Class Methods for visual examples.

The GameFuse Friends System allows you to implement social features in your game, such as sending friend requests, accepting or declining requests, and managing a friends list.

Getting Started with Friends

To use the GameFuse Friends system in Blueprints, you'll need to access the GameFuse Friends subsystem:

Sending Friend Requests

To send a friend request:

  1. Get the GameFuse Friends subsystem
  2. Call SendFriendRequest with the username
  3. Create a callback function to handle the response
  4. Process the response data

Accepting Friend Requests

To accept a friend request:

  1. Get the GameFuse Friends subsystem
  2. Call AcceptFriendRequest with the friendship ID
  3. Create a callback function to handle the response
  4. Process the success or failure

Declining Friend Requests

To decline a friend request:

  1. Get the GameFuse Friends subsystem
  2. Call DeclineFriendRequest with the friendship ID
  3. Create a callback function to handle the response
  4. Process the success or failure

Canceling Friend Requests

To cancel a sent friend request:

  1. Get the GameFuse Friends subsystem
  2. Call CancelFriendRequest with the friendship ID
  3. Create a callback function to handle the response
  4. Process the success or failure

Unfriending Players

To remove a user from your friends list:

  1. Get the GameFuse Friends subsystem
  2. Call UnfriendPlayer with the user ID
  3. Create a callback function to handle the response
  4. Process the success or failure

Fetching Friendship Data

To fetch all friendship data:

  1. Get the GameFuse Friends subsystem
  2. Call FetchFriendshipData
  3. Create a callback function to handle the response
  4. Process the friends list, outgoing requests, and incoming requests

Fetching Friends List

To fetch your friends list:

  1. Get the GameFuse Friends subsystem
  2. Call FetchFriendsList
  3. Create a callback function to handle the response
  4. Process the array of friends

Fetching Friend Requests

To fetch outgoing friend requests:

  1. Get the GameFuse Friends subsystem
  2. Call FetchOutgoingFriendRequests
  3. Create a callback function to handle the response
  4. Process the array of outgoing requests

To fetch incoming friend requests:

  1. Get the GameFuse Friends subsystem
  2. Call FetchIncomingFriendRequests
  3. Create a callback function to handle the response
  4. Process the array of incoming requests