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In game leaderboard

Leaderboards can be easily created within GameFuse from the Unity game client. A leaderboard entry can be added with:

  • leaderboard_name
  • score
  • extra_attributes (metadata)

for the current signed in user.

Leaderboards can be downloaded for a specific leaderboard_name, which would gather and sort the high scores for all users in the game. Leaderboards can also be downloaded for a specific user.

The example below shows submitting 2 leaderboard entries, then retrieving them for the game, and for the current user.


void Start()
    var extraAttributes = new Dictionary < string, string > ();
    extraAttributes.Add("deaths", "15");
    extraAttributes.Add("Jewels", "12");
    GameFuseUser.CurrentUser.AddLeaderboardEntry("Game1Leaderboard", 10, extraAttributes, LeaderboardEntryAdded);

void LeaderboardEntryAdded(string message, bool hasError)
    if (hasError)
        print("Error adding leaderboard entry: " + message);

        print("Set Leaderboard Entry 2");
        var extraAttributes = new Dictionary < string, string > ();
        extraAttributes.Add("deaths", "25");
        extraAttributes.Add("Jewels", "15");

        GameFuseUser.CurrentUser.AddLeaderboardEntry("Game1Leaderboard", 7, extraAttributes, LeaderboardEntryAdded2);


void LeaderboardEntryAdded2(string message, bool hasError)
    if (hasError)
        print("Error adding leaderboard entry 2: " + message);
        print("Set Leaderboard Entry 2");
        GameFuseUser.CurrentUser.GetLeaderboard(5, true, LeaderboardEntriesRetrieved);

void LeaderboardEntriesRetrieved(string message, bool hasError)
    if (hasError)
        print("Error loading leaderboard entries: " + message);

        print("Got leaderboard entries for specific user!");
        foreach( GameFuseLeaderboardEntry entry in GameFuse.Instance.leaderboardEntries)
            print(entry.GetUsername() + ": " + entry.GetScore().ToString() + ": " + entry.GetLeaderboardName() );
            foreach (KeyValuePair < string,string > kvPair in entry.GetExtraAttributes())
                print(kvPair.Key + ": " + kvPair.Value);

        GameFuse.Instance.GetLeaderboard(5, true, "Game1Leaderboard", LeaderboardEntriesRetrievedAll);


void LeaderboardEntriesRetrievedAll(string message, bool hasError)
    if (hasError)
        print("Error loading leaderboard entries: " + message);
        print("Got leaderboard entries for whole game!");
        foreach (GameFuseLeaderboardEntry entry in GameFuse.Instance.leaderboardEntries)
            print(entry.GetUsername() + ": " + entry.GetScore().ToString() + ": " + entry.GetLeaderboardName());
            foreach (KeyValuePair < string, string > kvPair in entry.GetExtraAttributes())
                print(kvPair.Key + ": " + kvPair.Value);



You can also clear all leaderboard entries in a specific leaderboard for the current user like this:


void Start(){
  var extraAttributes = new Dictionary < string, string > ();
  extraAttributes.Add("deaths", "15");
  extraAttributes.Add("Jewels", "12");
  GameFuseUser.CurrentUser.AddLeaderboardEntry("Game2Leaderboard",10, extraAttributes, LeaderboardEntryAdded);

void LeaderboardEntryAdded(string message, bool hasError)
    if (hasError)
        print("Error adding leaderboard entry: " + message);

        print("Clear Leaderboard Entry 2");
        GameFuseUser.CurrentUser.ClearLeaderboardEntries("Game2Leaderboard", LeaderboardEntryCleared);


void LeaderboardEntryCleared(string message, bool hasError)
    if (hasError)
        print("Error adding leaderboard entry: " + message);
        print("User will no longer have leaderboard entries for 'Game2Leaderboard'");


Function return values


HTTP status code Description
200 OK
400 Invalid extra attributes
401 Can only add entries for current user
500 Unknown server error


HTTP status code Description
200 OK
401 Can only get entries for the current user
500 Unknown server error


HTTP status code Description
200 OK
401 Can only clear entries for the current user
500 Unknown server error


HTTP status code Description
200 OK
404 No entries for this leaderboard name
500 Unknown server error