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Rounds System

The GameFuse Rounds System allows you to track and manage game rounds in your game. This includes creating rounds, fetching round data, and managing round metadata.

Getting Started with Rounds

To use the GameFuse Rounds system, you'll need to access the UGameFuseRounds subsystem:

UGameFuseRounds* RoundsSystem = GetGameInstance()->GetSubsystem<UGameFuseRounds>();

Creating a Game Round

You can create a new game round with specific settings:

void UMyGameMode::CreateGameRound()
    UGameFuseRounds* RoundsSystem = GetGameInstance()->GetSubsystem<UGameFuseRounds>();

    // Create a new game round structure
    FGFGameRound RoundData;
    RoundData.Score = 100;
    RoundData.StartTime = FDateTime::Now();
    RoundData.EndTime = RoundData.StartTime + FTimespan::FromMinutes(1);
    RoundData.GameType = "SinglePlayer";

    // Create typed callback
    FGFGameRoundCallback OnCreateGameRound;
    OnCreateGameRound.BindLambda([this](const FGFGameRound& CreatedRound) {
        // Use CreatedRound data here (ID, score, game type, etc.)

    // Create the game round
    RoundsSystem->CreateGameRound(RoundData, OnCreateGameRound);

Creating a Game Round with Metadata

You can include additional metadata with your game round:

void UMyGameMode::CreateGameRoundWithMetadata()
    UGameFuseRounds* RoundsSystem = GetGameInstance()->GetSubsystem<UGameFuseRounds>();

    // Create a new game round structure
    FGFGameRound RoundData;
    RoundData.Score = 100;
    RoundData.StartTime = FDateTime::Now();
    RoundData.EndTime = RoundData.StartTime + FTimespan::FromMinutes(1);
    RoundData.GameType = "SinglePlayer";

    // Add metadata
    RoundData.Metadata.Add("key1", "value1");
    RoundData.Metadata.Add("key2", "value2");
    RoundData.Metadata.Add("difficulty", "hard");
    RoundData.Metadata.Add("level", "5");

    // Create typed callback
    FGFGameRoundCallback OnCreateGameRoundWithMetadata;
    OnCreateGameRoundWithMetadata.BindLambda([this](const FGFGameRound& CreatedRound) {
        // Use CreatedRound data and metadata here
        // Access metadata with CreatedRound.Metadata["key"]

    // Create the game round with metadata
    RoundsSystem->CreateGameRound(RoundData, OnCreateGameRoundWithMetadata);

Creating a Multiplayer Game Round

You can create a multiplayer game round by specifying the game type and including player IDs:

void UMyGameMode::CreateMultiplayerGameRound()
    UGameFuseRounds* RoundsSystem = GetGameInstance()->GetSubsystem<UGameFuseRounds>();

    // Create a new game round structure
    FGFGameRound RoundData;
    RoundData.Score = 200;
    RoundData.StartTime = FDateTime::Now();
    RoundData.EndTime = RoundData.StartTime + FTimespan::FromMinutes(5);
    RoundData.GameType = "Multiplayer";

    // Add metadata
    RoundData.Metadata.Add("map", "desert");
    RoundData.Metadata.Add("mode", "capture_the_flag");

    // Create typed callback
    FGFGameRoundCallback OnCreateMultiplayerGameRound;
    OnCreateMultiplayerGameRound.BindLambda([this](const FGFGameRound& CreatedRound) {
        // Use CreatedRound data for multiplayer setup
        // Check player IDs with CreatedRound.PlayerIds

    // Create the multiplayer game round
    RoundsSystem->CreateGameRound(RoundData, OnCreateMultiplayerGameRound);

Fetching a Game Round

You can fetch a specific game round by its ID:

void UMyGameMode::FetchGameRound(int32 RoundId)
    UGameFuseRounds* RoundsSystem = GetGameInstance()->GetSubsystem<UGameFuseRounds>();

    // Create typed callback
    FGFGameRoundCallback OnFetchGameRound;
    OnFetchGameRound.BindLambda([this](const FGFGameRound& Round) {
        // Use Round data to display round details
        // Access metadata with Round.Metadata

    // Fetch the game round
    RoundsSystem->FetchGameRound(RoundId, OnFetchGameRound);

Fetching User Game Rounds

You can fetch all game rounds for the current user:

void UMyGameMode::FetchUserGameRounds()
    UGameFuseRounds* RoundsSystem = GetGameInstance()->GetSubsystem<UGameFuseRounds>();

    // Create typed callback
    FGFGameRoundsCallback OnFetchUserGameRounds;
    OnFetchUserGameRounds.BindLambda([this](const TArray<FGFGameRound>& Rounds) {
        // Process array of rounds for display
        // Calculate stats from Rounds data

    // Fetch user game rounds (page 1)
    RoundsSystem->FetchUserGameRounds(1, OnFetchUserGameRounds);

Updating a Game Round

You can update an existing game round:

void UMyGameMode::UpdateGameRound(int32 RoundId)
    UGameFuseRounds* RoundsSystem = GetGameInstance()->GetSubsystem<UGameFuseRounds>();

    // First fetch the existing round
    FGFGameRoundCallback OnFetchForUpdate;
    OnFetchForUpdate.BindLambda([this, RoundsSystem, RoundId](const FGFGameRound& ExistingRound) {
        // Create an updated version of the round
        FGFGameRound UpdatedRound = ExistingRound;
        UpdatedRound.Score = 150; // Update the score
        UpdatedRound.EndTime = FDateTime::Now(); // Update the end time

        // Add or update metadata
        UpdatedRound.Metadata.Add("completed", "true");

        // Create callback for the update operation
        FGFGameRoundCallback OnUpdateGameRound;
        OnUpdateGameRound.BindLambda([this](const FGFGameRound& UpdatedRoundResult) {
            // Use UpdatedRoundResult to show final round results

        // Update the game round
        RoundsSystem->UpdateGameRound(UpdatedRound, OnUpdateGameRound);

    // First fetch the existing round
    RoundsSystem->FetchGameRound(RoundId, OnFetchForUpdate);

Deleting a Game Round

You can delete a game round:

void UMyGameMode::DeleteGameRound(int32 RoundId)
    UGameFuseRounds* RoundsSystem = GetGameInstance()->GetSubsystem<UGameFuseRounds>();

    // Create typed callback
    FGFGameRoundActionCallback OnDeleteGameRound;
    OnDeleteGameRound.BindLambda([this](bool bSuccess) {
        // Handle success or failure of round deletion

    // Delete the game round
    RoundsSystem->DeleteGameRound(RoundId, OnDeleteGameRound);